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The Best Family Activities for Lent and Holy Week
Lent is such a holy and beautiful liturgical season for Catholics. When you have tried to live your best Lent, Easter will be all the more meaningful and joyful! In this post, I have complied all of the best family activities for Lent and Holy week from my blog!
I have broken down each resource for you in this ultimate guide to 40 days in the desert with your family.
3 Pillars of Lent with Children and More of the Best Family Activities for Lent
You’ll definitely want to start with my huge post on all of my best family activities for Lent with littles! This post includes ideas for:
- Ash Wednesday
- Prayer, fasting and almsgiving with kids
- My favorite Lenten devotional
- How to help kids understand the meaning of making sacrifices with sacrifice beans
- Decorating the home
- Celebrating some special feast days during Lent
St. Joseph's Day Table Menu
St. Joseph’s Feast Day usually falls during Lent, and always falls on March 19. (He is actually one of the few saints to have two feast days – his other feast day is on May 1st and celebrates his role as St. Joseph the Worker).
St. Joseph’s March feast day is to celebrate his role as Jesus’ foster father and Mary’s spouse.
A favorite Italian tradition to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day is The St. Joseph Feast Day Table also known as St. Joseph’s Altar.
Today, I will describe how to set up and cook for your own St. Joseph’s Table to celebrate his feast day.
For more ideas on how to celebrate this wonderful feast day, be sure to check out my friend Jen’s post over at Eva to Ave!
Free Holy Week Activities, Printables, and Lesson Plans
Have you ever considered specific Holy Week Homeschool activities? During Holy Week, you may find it helpful to shift your homeschool activities, routines, and rhythms. One of the blessings of homeschooling is emphasizing the material that you would like to pass on to your children!
In order to pass on the faith to our children well, we must make practicing the faith a lifestyle that permeates every aspect of our lives – including our homeschools.
So, it is only natural to make Holy Week feel a little different from our normal routines. Take a break from your “normal” lessons or use these ideas to enhance each subject.
In this article, I will give you a daily outline of Holy Week Homeschool activities and subjects that you can cover.
These tips will help your family prepare for the holiest season of the liturgical year – the Holy Triduum as well as the most glorious season of all: Easter!
You can also sign up for my FREE Ebook with all of the links, tips, and tricks mentioned in this article. The ebook also includes printable worksheets for Sunday through Thursday of Holy Week so be sure to grab this awesome resource!
What is Maundy (Holy) Thursday and the Holy Triduum?
In the Catholic Church, Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday) kicks off the most holy liturgical season of the year – the Holy Triduum. This day is extremely important to Catholics because Christ instituted two very important Sacraments on Holy Thursday: the priesthood (Holy Orders) and the Eucharist.
The Holy Triduum is such a holy and sacred time leading up to Easter. This post will explain:
- What happened on Maundy Thursday?
- The meaning of “Maundy Thursday”
- The Last Supper Scripture
- What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane and how we can keep watch with Christ in the Garden
- Holy Thursday Mass (The Mass of the Lord’s Supper)
- The Altar of Repose
- Maundy Thursday Crafts and Activities
- Catholic Foot Washing ceremony at home
Stations of the Cross Activities for Children
The Stations of the Cross are a beautiful Catholic tradition to partake in during Lent, and, especially, Holy Week. This devotion is also an amazing one to involve small children in! My Stations of the Cross Printable activities sets and mini Stations of the Cross Booklets will be perfect for this endeavor.
In addition, you can receive a plenary indulgence by “making a pious Way of the Cross” on Good Friday. Find info on the different indulgences available during Good Friday here.
In this post, I have lots of activities for praying and teaching the Stations of the Cross.
Hear me talk about the best family activities for Lent and Holy Week on the Homeschooling Saints Podcast
If you would like to absorb this information in video form, check out my interviews with Lisa Mladnich on the Homeschooling Saints podcast!
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