The Best Free Preschool Printables for your Catholic Homeschool

close up of Catholic high contrast cards

The internet is full of free preschool printables. It can be overwhelming! But which ones are the best? Today, I will share my favorite free preschool printables for your Catholic homeschool. I found some great free preschool printables to share that can be made into flashcards, matching games, and more. You can start all of […]

How to Develop a Catholic Preschool Homeschool Curriculum for Free

mother completing puzzle with baby and toddler

Developing a free preschool homeschool curriculum for your Catholic preschooler doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. You can provide a faith-filled education for your little one without breaking the bank. From incorporating Catholic values into your daily routine to tailoring a perfect schedule for your little one, this guide will walk you […]