First Holy Communion Preparation: Easy Lessons to Teach the Faith

First Holy Communion Preparation is one of the most important journeys for a Catholic. Preparation should be efficient and effective. It is the parents’ responsibility (and privilege!) to raise their children in the faith. As a parent and religious education catechist, I believe that the New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism provides every child with […]
The Best Online Planner: Homeschool Planet Digital Planner Review

Are you curious about digital planners? Today, I am sharing an honest Homeschool Planet digital planner review. We have been using the Homeschool Planet digital planner for our 2023-2024 school year, and I can honestly say that I will never go back to paper planners! In this article, I will share what I love about […]
Simple Homeschool Morning Time Ideas (Morning Basket)

Starting your homeschool day on the right foot can really make a difference. Today, I will give you some simple homeschool morning time ideas. This will sort of be a relaxed and laid back morning basket routine. Starting your morning in a relaxed predictable way can bring great peace and stability to your homeschool. When […]
Family Ideas for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus always falls after the octave of Pentecost (usually some time in June) on a Friday. In fact, the entire month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Read on to learn more about this powerful devotion and how to teach kids about it. What […]
Simple 15 Minute Rosary Meditation For Fatima First Saturday Devotion

The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima is May 13th. There are many ways to celebrate this beautiful feast that commemorates the appearance of Our Lady to 3 shepherd children in Portugal, Fatima. No matter how you celebrate, make sure to learn about the 5 First Saturdays Devotion that Our Lady asked for Sister Lucia […]
Memorable Catholic Easter Traditions to Try Right Now

In this post, I will be sharing some Catholic Easter Traditions for your family. Until very recently in my adult life, I had no idea that Easter lasts for FIFTY days! 50!! The Catholic church celebrates Easter for 50 days in order to fully recognize and enjoy the glorious resurrection of Our Lord and Savior […]
Awesome Catholic Easter Science Activity: Free Flower Dissection Lab

Awesome Catholic Easter Science Activity: Free Flower Dissection Lab I got this idea for a lily flower study on St. Joseph’s Feast Day since one of his symbols is the lily. St. Joseph is often seen holding lilies in photos and statues. This study can be done at any time, but it makes for an […]
The Best Family Activities for Lent and Holy Week

The Best Family Activities for Lent and Holy Week Lent is such a holy and beautiful liturgical season for Catholics. When you have tried to live your best Lent, Easter will be all the more meaningful and joyful! In this post, I have complied all of the best family activities for Lent and Holy week […]
Stations Of The Cross Printable Activities For Good Friday

The Stations of the Cross are a beautiful Catholic tradition to partake in during Lent, and, especially, Holy Week. This devotion is also an amazing one to involve small children in! My Stations of the Cross Printable activities sets and mini Stations of the Cross Booklets will be perfect for this endeavor. In addition, you can […]
The Best Free Preschool Printables for your Catholic Homeschool

The internet is full of free preschool printables. It can be overwhelming! But which ones are the best? Today, I will share my favorite free preschool printables for your Catholic homeschool. I found some great free preschool printables to share that can be made into flashcards, matching games, and more. You can start all of […]