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Family Ideas for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus always falls after the octave of Pentecost (usually some time in June) on a Friday. In fact, the entire month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Read on to learn more about this powerful devotion and how to teach kids about it.
What is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque was a nun in the Order of the Visitation. In 1674 and 1675, Christ appeared to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque many times. He asked her to receive Holy Communion frequently and spend an hour with Him every Thursday in prayer console Him on the night of His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He also asked her to establish the 9 First Fridays devotion in reparation to His Sacred Heart.
Lastly, Our Lord asked her to institute the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
You can read more about the history of this feast and of this amazing saint here.
Christ told St. Margaret Mary:
“My divine Heart is so inflamed with love for mankind…that it can no longer contain within itself the flames of its burning charity and must be spread abroad by your means.”
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is depicted as a wounded heart wrapped with a crown of thorn. At the top of the heart there is a cross surrounded in flames that represent Christ’s burning love for us.

Feast of the the Sacred Heart Family Ideas
Plenary Indulgence for the Feast of the Sacred Heart
Baptized Catholics in a state of grace can receive a plenary indulgence on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! This Solemnity falls 19 days after Pentecost and always on a Friday. (This is June 7th in 2024)
Here are the guidelines for receiving this particular indulgence and any indulgence from
First, make sure you meet all of the plenary indulgence requirements. Then, On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you must publicly recite the act of reparation Jesu dulcissime. Also can be found here (scroll down to the bottom of that article).
Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart
The month of June is the perfect time for a Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart! When you complete a Home Enthronement, you are making Jesus Christ the King of your home!
A Home Enthronement includes:
- family preparation
- displaying a blessed image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a prominent location in your home (such as on a home altar or hung on the wall for all to adore)
- special Enthronement prayers, consecrations and blessings completed by a priest in your home
The entire home enthronement is outlined and explained on this site. They also have prayer booklets and Sacred Heart images to purchase.
This book also has beautiful prayers and devotions to the Sacred Heart. The author uses her grandparents’ red house as a metaphor for what it means to rest in and belong to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! So profound and beautiful!! It also includes instructions for the Home Enthronement.

33 Day Consecration to the Sacred Heart
If you want to kick your devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus up a notch, you may want to check out a 33 day consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Catholic Sprouts crew explains it here. They even have a book for your family to follow along with!
You can also sign up with The Bethany Plan to get email reminders for 33 days to complete the consecration. Check it out here.
One More Book for Celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Another beautiful resource to learn more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion is Emily Jaminet’s book Secrets of the Sacred Heart. This book is great if you have already completed the consecration and want to renew it. You can also treat this book like a mini retreat as you take in the devotions and pray the beautiful Litany of the Sacred Heart.

How do you celebrate Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for kids?
First, tell your child about St. Margaret Mary Alocoque. Then, show them a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and explain what each part means. Next, discuss as a family the different devotions and if you would like to take up any in the near future. The First 9 Fridays is a great one to start with! Then, the Consecration or Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart would be absolutely awesome.
Below, are some recipes, games and crafts to celebrate this feast! Also, don’t worry about completing all of them on the actual feast day. The entire month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus so you can complete and enjoy them all month!
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Recipes
No feast day is complete without some delicious recipes! Check out all of these awesome ideas:
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Games and Activties
Here are some fun games and activities you can enjoy as a family! I have a couple of great outdoor ideas for summer fun. There are also two arts and craft ideas for some indoor relaxation and reflection while you craft.
- Sacred Heart Pool Noodle Frisbee Toss from Catholic Icing
- Feast of the Sacred Heart “Marco Polo”: Play this just like traditional Marco Polo! Try playing in the swimming pool or through the sprinklers to cool off! One person closes his or her eyes and says “Sacred Heart of Jesus!” The other players try to swim or run away and say “I trust in You!” The person with his or her eyes closed tries to tag the others.
- Origami Sacred Heart craft (video tutorial) from Amy Heyse! How cool and beautiful is this one??
- How to draw the Sacred from Heart of Jesus from my talented friend, Jen, at Eva to Ave!
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the 5 First Saturdays
In addition to the 9 First Fridays mentioned in this post, you may also want to check out the 5 First Saturdays Devotion. The 2 devotions compliment each other well: The First Fridays are in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the First Saturdays are in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are two beautiful devotions that you can complete as a family to honor Jesus and his beautiful mother, Mary!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
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