First Holy Communion Preparation: Easy Lessons to Teach the Faith

First Holy Communion Preparation is one of the most important journeys for a Catholic. Preparation should be efficient and effective. It is the parents’ responsibility (and privilege!) to raise their children in the faith. As a parent and religious education catechist, I believe that the New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism provides every child with […]
Family Ideas for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus always falls after the octave of Pentecost (usually some time in June) on a Friday. In fact, the entire month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Read on to learn more about this powerful devotion and how to teach kids about it. What […]
Simple 15 Minute Rosary Meditation For Fatima First Saturday Devotion

The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima is May 13th. There are many ways to celebrate this beautiful feast that commemorates the appearance of Our Lady to 3 shepherd children in Portugal, Fatima. No matter how you celebrate, make sure to learn about the 5 First Saturdays Devotion that Our Lady asked for Sister Lucia […]
Stations Of The Cross Printable Activities For Good Friday

The Stations of the Cross are a beautiful Catholic tradition to partake in during Lent, and, especially, Holy Week. This devotion is also an amazing one to involve small children in! My Stations of the Cross Printable activities sets and mini Stations of the Cross Booklets will be perfect for this endeavor. In addition, you can […]
How to Prepare Children for the First Sacrament of Reconciliation

Receiving the First Sacrament of Reconciliation is a blessed time in every parent’s and child’s life. Preparing to receive this beautiful sacrament is very important. Your child may be attending religious education, or your child may be attending Catholic school. Either way, it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children their faith. As parents, […]
Ideas for a Beautiful and Holy Catholic Lent with Littles

This post will give you lots of ways to have a holy Catholic Lent with Littles! Lent is the liturgical period leading up to Easter. It is a beautiful and holy time in the church to prepare to observe the crucifixion and death of Our Lord, as well as celebrate His glorious resurrection! Lent is […]
Our Lady of the Rosary Celebration with Kids

October is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary falls on October 7th. The Holy Rosary is a beautiful prayer, but it can be hard to introduce and teach it to kids. The rosary is long. The rosary takes time to pray. The rosary can be abstract […]
How Do You Pray the Rosary?

A guide for beginners! Many Catholics have rosary beads hanging on their rearview car mirror or have fond memories of a holy grandmother diligently praying her beads. It seems like a good idea to pray the holy rosary, but how do you make sense of all of those decades, mysteries and Hail Marys? How do […]
How to Pray the Rosary with Kids

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. You may wonder how to pray the rosary. You may be even more curious how to pray the rosary with kids! Will they sit still? Will it be […]
Teach Catholic Religious Education at Home in 7 Steps

At your baptism you were given the gift of faith. At your child’s baptism he or she was given the gift of faith. The gift of the Catholic faith has been passed down for generations and generations. We can and should nurture this gift given to us by God, and we should nurture the gift […]