Awesome Catholic Easter Science Activity: Free Flower Dissection Lab

Awesome Catholic Easter Science Activity: Free Flower Dissection Lab I got this idea for a lily flower study on St. Joseph’s Feast Day since one of his symbols is the lily. St. Joseph is often seen holding lilies in photos and statues. This study can be done at any time, but it makes for an […]
Why do Leaves Change Color in the Fall – Fall Homeschool Science Series

Welcome to the third post in our Fall Homeschool Science Series! Be sure to read this post first for my tips and thoughts on teaching chemistry to kids and find out about the other experiments in the series! Today, we will answer the question: “Why do leaves change color in the fall?” I will provide […]
How do Glow Sticks Work – Fall Homeschool Science Series

Welcome to the second post in our Fall Homeschool Science Series! Be sure to read this post first for my tips and thoughts on teaching chemistry to kids and find out about the other experiments in the series! Today, we will answer the question: “How do glow sticks work?”. I will provide some background information. […]
Static Electricity – Fall Homeschool Science Series

Welcome to the first post in our Fall Homeschool Science Series! Be sure to read this post first for my tips and thoughts on teaching chemistry to kids! Today, we will talk about static electricity. I will provide some background information and some free printable note-booking pages with not one, not two, but three fun […]
Easy Chemistry Experiments to do at Home

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. Do you shudder at teaching science to your kids? Does the shudder increase when you think about teaching them chemistry? Or, maybe you want some fresh, fun ideas […]